Preparation of the next major task gaining momentum
In stage 2 of the implementation of the Health Info project, there are two substantial tasks to be carried out:
- collection of on-duty health care service data, and
- development of mobile and web applications.
From among these plans, first data collection was started, with good progress achieved up to this date: the data collection guideline, data entry sheet have been produced to facilitate data acquisition and intensive work is going on to prepare the procurement procedure to select the data acquisition agency.
The contract for data acquisition was concluded in the middle of the month. As a result, the preparation of the procurement procedure for the development of the mobile and web applications to allow the use of the data has gained momentum.
For that purpose
- the studies made earlier were reviewed
- the current practice and services have been reviewed and analysed (also including the similar foreign applications).
- the possibilities and requirements have been collected and synthetized.
The data acquisition specialist has also actively participated in performing the task.
The plans call for the start of the procurement procedure in May. The date of handing over of the software is set for September, 2014, which will be available for the public thereafter.