
2014, március bejegyzései

Change in the scope of implementing participants

An important change in the implementation of the project that the tasks of the domestic partner will be taken over in the future by the EUROPÉER Foundation from the Development Academy and Further Training Institute Public Benefit Foundation (FATIA). The underlying reason is that the continuation of the implementation of the project cannot be undertaken by FATIA owing to its difficult financial conditions.

The tasks of FATIA were essentially focused on marketing. Departure of FATIA and the transfer of tasks will not endanger the implementation of the project. The taking over of the tasks is facilitated by the need for intensive marketing activity in the last stage of the project (August – September, 2014).

Data acquisition in Hungary may start soon

The implementation of the project has reached a key milestone. The procurement procedure for the selection of data acquisition agency in Hungary was started in the middle of the month. After a successful procedure, the contract can be concluded with the winning tenderer already in the beginning of the month after (April) under which the collection of on-duty health care services in Hungary can be started.

Data collection is a highly important activity of the Health Info project. Data acquisition covers the relevant information of the health care on-duty units active in Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén County, in the course of which the data will be recorded about the on-duty clinics and pharmacies in the settlements of the county. In addition to the county seat, BAZ County has 27 towns and 330 villages.

Main tasks to be carried out in the framework of the contract:

  1. Performing secondary research;
  2. Performing primary research: data collection in the field;
  3. Entry of data acquired in the course of primary research in the database;
  4. Participation in testing the applications to be developed.

Data acquisition has a major significance because we expect to acquire important insights concerning the reliability of the secondary data, the correlations and rules in the organisation of on-duty medical services, the openness and willingness for cooperation of the various institutions.